Our availability :
SEPT. | OCT. | NOV. | DEC. | JAN. | FEB. | MAR. | APR. | MAY | JUNE | JULY. | AUG | |
Celtan Potato |
Storage method :
Celtiane potatoes harvested when fully ripe have a very good shelf life. They can be stored for up to 12 months in a closed, dark, cool (between 4 and 6°) and moisture-free place.
Temperature : 8-12°C – Hygrometry : >80% – High sensitivity to light (greening)
Size :
28/35 – 35/55 – 55+
Consumption pattern :
Annual potato consumption reaches 27.5 kg per purchasing household [1] (according to INSEE, a purchasing household represents 2.3 people).
[1] FAOstat
[2] Ctifl 2010